The 2nd IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System integration
October 20-22, 2018 · Beijing, China
本次会议关注能源领域两大热点问题:能源互联网(Energy Internet)与能源系统集成(Energy System Integration),简记为EI2,涵盖能源系统与信息技术、人工智能技术的高度融合以及多种能源系统(包括热,冷,电,气,交通等)的耦合协同。本次会议将大力推广EI2的创新技术和实际应用,旨在充分实现各类能源资源的互联、开放、共享和协同,塑造绿色、低碳、高效和低成本的智慧能源系统。
Theme of the Conference: Forming an interconnected energy future
EI2 2018 focuses on innovative technologies and practical implementations around 2EIs (EI2 in abbreviation) -- “EnergyInternet” and “Energy System Integration”, which can be interpretedas the fusion of energy systems with information technologies and artificialintelligence as well as the coupling of multiple energy systems (e.g., heating,cooling, electricity, gas, and transportation). This conference will promoteinnovative EI2 technologies and practical applications which aim tofully realize the interconnection, openness, sharing, and collaboration ofvarious energy resources, and to create green, low-carbon, high-efficiency andlow-cost smart energy systems.
Topics of interest to this conference include, but are not limited to:
(Modelling, simulation anddesign of EI2)
(Planning, operation andcontrol of EI2)
(Energy management of EI2)
(AI applications in energy systems)
(Transportation electrification)
(Energy storage)
(Grid modernization and microgrid)
(Emerging EI2 hardwareand platform development)
(DC networks)
(Energy system resilience and interdependency)
(Internet of things)
(Cyber-physical systems and cybersecurity for EI2)
(Global energy interconnection)
(Demonstrations of EI2)
(Energy policy and economics)
现面向有关高校、研究机构专家学者及行业内专业人士征集论文。所投论文内容应是未曾公开发表、未被其他刊物或会议接收、且未计划在其他刊物或会议发表的原创性成果,稿件内容应包含研究思路、原理方法、结果分析、研究结论等,书写语言应为英文,格式参照IEEE双列格式模板,全文不超过6页。论文需同时提交PDF和WORD格式文档。更多详情请参考会议官网http://www.ieee-ei.org。被接收的会议论文将被IEEE Xplore收录。
Papers are invited from research scholars,academics and industry professionals. The manuscript should contribute originalresearch ideas, new technological development, detailed result analysis, andinsightful findings.
Papers submitted to the conference shouldbe in English. Submissions should contain original work that has not beenpublished previously, accepted for publication, or presently underconsideration for publication elsewhere. Papers submitted to the conference shouldfollow the IEEE double-column format and not exceed 6 pages. Submission will beelectronic in both PDF and MS Word through the conference website: www.ieee-ei.org.
Accepted and presented papers will besubmitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore online digital library and EiCompendex.
论文出版 (Paper publication)
《CSEE电力与能源系统学报》(Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering Journal of Power and Energy Systems,CSEE JPES)
《现代电力系统与清洁能源学报》(Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy)
《全球能源互联网(英文)》(Global Energy Interconnection)
重要时间节点(Important dates)
2018.06.01 征文通知
(Jun.1, 2018 Notice of call for papers)
2018.06.15 论文提交系统开放
(Jun.15, 2018 Submission systemopen)
2018.07.23 论文提交截止
(Jul.23, 2018 Submission deadline)
2018.09.01 论文接受通知截止
(Sep.1, 2018 Notification of acceptance)
2018.10.05 参会注册优惠折扣截止
(Oct.5, 2018 Early registration closes)
For additionalinformation please visit the conference website: www.ieee-ei.org.
Please contact us via email: info@ieee-ei.orgor ieee-ei@ncepu.edu.cn.
Looking forward to seeing you all in Beijing in October 2018!
Prof. Jinyue Yan (Co-Chair, Sweden)
Dr. Jianhui Wang(Co-Chair, USA)