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2018-03-27 13:29:53 中国清洁能源发展机制网
国家授权CDM管理机构联系人及联系方式AlbaniaClimate Change Unit, Ministry of EnvironmentAddress:Rruga "Durresit";No 27;Tirana






Climate Change Unit, Ministry of Environment
Rruga "Durresit";
No 27;
Ermira Fida ( mirafida@icc-al.org )
Manager, Climate Change Unit
Phone: (355) 422 5101, (355-68) 202 9754 (Mobile)
Fax: (355) 422 5101
Other infos:
Minimum values for forest (A/R projects) - not available

Antigua and

Environment Division, Ministry of Tourism and Environment Address:Government Office Complex, Building # 2, Queen Elizabeth Highway, St. John′s, Antigua   Chief Environment Officer
Phone: (1-268)462-4625
Fax: (1-268)462-6398


Oficina argentina del Mecanismo para un Desarollo Limpio Address:Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo SustentableSan Martín 459, Piso 4, oficina 441C1004AAI, Buenos Aires o Argentina Lic Nazareno Castillo
Phone: (5411)4348-8648/9, (5411) 4348-8200


Ministry of Nature Protection Address:Republic Square;Government Build N 3Yerevan 375010;Republic of Armenia,   Mr. Aram Gabrielyan , Head of Atmosphere Protection Division
Phone: (374-1)53 81 87
Fax: (374-1)53 81 87


Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources   Mr. Maharram Mehtiyev , Head of the Ozone Center on Climate Change
Phone: (994)12-982795
Fax: (994)12-925907


Department of Environment
Address:E/16 Agargaon,
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar,
Md. Reazuddin ( reaz@doe-bd.org ) , Director (Technical) and Member Secretary National CDM Committee
Phone: (88-02) 9115 120 (off.), 073-001549 (mobile)
Fax: (88-02) 9118 682


 Ministry of Housing, Lands and Environment
1st Floor, S.P. Musson Building, Hincks Street,
Bridgetown, Barbados 
 Mr. Lionel Nurse ( nurse@gob.bb,envirobdos@gob.bb )
Permanent Secretary
Phone: (1-246)467-5712
Fax: (1-246)437-8859


 National Meteorological Service
Philip Goldson International Airport,
P. O. Box 717,
Belize City,
Mr. Carlos Fuller ( cfuller@btl.net )
Chief Meteorologist, National Meteorological Service
Phone: (501) 225 2012
Fax: (501) 225 2101 


 Direction de l′Environnement, MEHU
01 BP 3126
République du Bénin 

Monsieur DJIBRIL Ibila ( idjibril@yahoo.fr, idjibril@mehubenin.net )

Phone: (229) 31 05 34
Fax: (229) 31 50 81  


National Environment Commission Secretariat Address:P.O. Box 466Thimphu, Bhutan   dmnec@druknet.net.bt,nadorinchhen@nec.gov.bt Phone: (975) 2-234374
Fax: (975) 2-321707


Programa Nacional de Cambios Climáticos - Oficina de Desarrollo Limpio Address:Viceminister for Natural Resources and the Environment, Calle Federico Suazo 1972,Primer PisoLa Paz, Bolivia   Sergio Jáuregui , Coordinator Officina de Desarrollo Limpio
Phone: (591)2-244 2336/7, (591)706 10330
Fax: (591)2-2423497


Comiss?o Interministerial de Mudan?a Global do Clima Address:Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco E - 2 andar - sala 24270.067-900, Brasilia DF o Brazil  Mr. Jose Domingos Gonzalez Miguez
Phone: (55-61)317-7923
Fax: (55-61)317-7657


Ministry of Environment, Climate Change Office   ETAP@online.com.kh, cceap@online.com.kh
Phone: (855-23)218-370
Fax: (855-23) 218 370


Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente (CONAMA)
Calle Obispo Donoso 6, Providencia, Santiago, Chile 
Sr. Javier García
jgarcia@conama.cl, and-chile@conama.cl
Phone: (56-2) 241 1814, (56-2) 241 1885
Fax: (56-2) 244 3437


National Development and Reform Commission of the People′s Republic of China
38 South Yuetan Street, Beijing 100824
Mr. Gao Guangsheng ( gaogs@mx.cei.gov.cn; lily@ccchina.gov.cn ) , Director General, Office to National Climate Change Coordination Committee
Phone: +86-10-68501715/2957
Fax: +86-10-68502358


Ministerio del Medio Ambiente Address:Ministrerio del Medio AmbienteCalle 37 # 8-40, piso 2Bogotá o Colombia  jblanco@minambiente.gov.co
Phone: (57-1)340-6279
Fax: (57-1)288-9540
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ministère de l′Environnement, Conservation de la Nature, Eaux et Forêts
Avenue Papa ILEO (Ex-des Cliniques)
No. 15,
B.P. 12348, Kinshasa 1

Republique Democratique du Congo

Mr. Gian Claudio Paolo Faussone ( andcongo@yahoo.fr,gcfaussone@lazabila.it )
Président de l′ autorité nationale désignée et le point focal national pour la R.D.C.
Phone: (243-81) 658 81 39/(39-11) 779 0061
Fax: (243-81) 301 36 46/(39-11) 779 3310
Other infos:
Minimum values for forest (A/R projects) - not available

Costa Rica

Oficina Costarricense de Implementación Conjunta (OCIC), Ministerio de Ambiente y Energia (MINAE) Address:Calle 25 y Avenida 8,Barrio Gonzalez Lahman,Apartado 10104-1000,San José   ocicgm@racsa.co.cr
Phone: tbc
Fax: tbc


Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (CITMA) Address:Capitolio NacionalAvenida Prado y San José12400, Ciudad de La Habana o Cuba omar@citma.cu,orlando@citma.cu
Phone: (537)867-0598
Fax: (537)867-0615


Ministro de Ambiente del Equador Address:AV. amazonas y Eloy Al faro; Edf. MAG, Piso 7   Ing. César Narváez
Phone: (593) 2 35 63 462, (593) 2 25 63 462
Fax: (593) 2 25 00 041


Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency   Dr. Mohammed EL Shahawy , National Focal Point of Egypt for Climate Change a
Phone: (202) 525 6481
Fax: (202) 525 6454

El Salvador 

Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales   Mr. Mauricio Ayala
Fax: (503)275-9864


Ministry of Local Government, Housing, Squatter Settlement and Environment Address:3rd Floor Fiji Footbal Association House,Gladstone Road,Suva,Fiji Islands   Mr. Epeli Nasome , Director of Environment, Department of Environment
Phone: (679)331-1699
Fax: (679)331-2879


Ministry for the Environment of Georgia Address:150a, Agmashenbeli Ave., Tbilisi 0112, Georgia  Mr. David Gzirishvili , Director of National Agency on Climate Change
Phone: (995-32) 941580/940226
Fax: (995-32) 941536

Ministro de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales 

 Juan Mario Dary Fuentes ( mam@hotmail.com )

Phone: (502-597) 80 884/ (502-242) 30 500 Ext. 104-259/
Fax: (502-242) 30472/ (502) 520 52677 (Mobile) 

    Rita Mishaan Rossell ( rmishaan@mam.gob.gt )
Directora de Cooperación Internacional
Phone: (502-242) 3436/30 500 Ext. 438-481
Fax: (502-242) 30479/ (502) 597 80 722 (Mobile)


Secretaría de Estado en los Despachos de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente Address:Apartado Postal 1389 ó 47 10   Ing. Gerardo Antonio Salgado Ochoa , Subsecretario de Recursos Naturales y Energia
Phone: (504) 231 1918, (504) 232 5813


The National Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Authority
Ministry of Environment and Forests
115, Paryavaran Bhawan,
CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road,
New Delhi, India
R. K.Sethi ( rksethi@menf.delhi.nic.in ) , Member Secretary, National Clean Development Mechanism Authority,Ministry of Environment and Forests
Phone: (91-11) 2436 2252
Fax: (91-11) 2436 2252


Ministry of the Environment
P. O. Box 34033,
Jerusalem, Israel 95464
Ms. Lyora Goren ( lyoral@sviva.gov.il ) , Division of Air Quality, Ministry of the Environment
Phone: (972-2) 6553 935
Fax: (972-2) 6553 763


Ministry of Land and Environment Address:16A Half-Way-Tree Road,Kingston 5, Jamaica W.I   Mrs. Anastasia Calnick , Director, Pollution Control
Phone: (876) 960-5632/3
Fax: (876) 920-7267


The Ministry of Environment moenv@moenv.gov.jo
Phone: (962-6) 5350-149
Fax: (962-6) 5350-084


Science Technology and Environment Agency (STEA), Prime Minister′s Office Address:Sisavad Road, P. O Box 2279, Vientiane, Lao PDR   Mr. Xayaveth Vixay , Deputy Director General of Environment Department
Phone: (856-21) 218 712
Fax: (856-21) 213 472


Ministry of Environment Address:P.O. Box: 70-1091 Antelias, Lebanon   nkodeih@moe.gov.lb , Chief, Service of Prevention from Technological Im
Phone: (961-4) 522 222
Fax: (961-4) 525 080


Ministére de l′Environnement, des Eaux et Forets Address:BP.571 AmpandrianombyAntananarivo 101   Monsieur Randriasandratana Germain
Phone: (261) 320 75 4490,(261) 202 2521 68
Fax: (261) 202 241 919


Environmental Affairs Department
Lingadzi House,
City Centre,
Private Bag 394,
Lilongwe 3
Mr. R.P. Kabwaza ( rkabwaza@sdnp.org.mw, eadinfo@sdnp.org.mw )
Director of Environmental Affairs
Phone: (265-1) 771 111
Fax: (265-1) 773 379
Other infos:
Minimum values for forest (A/R projects) - not available


Conservation and Environmental Management Division, Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment
Address:Level 1-7, Block C5, Parcel CFederal Government Administrative Center62662 Putrajay, Malaysia
Mr. Nadzri Yahya
Phone: (603)8885-8028
Fax: (603)8889-2073


Ministry of Home Affairs, Housing and Environment   Mr. Abdullahi Majeed , Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Housing and Environment
Phone: (960) 323 825, (960) 324 861
Fax: (960) 322 286


Secrétariat Technique Permanent du Cadre Institutionnel de la Gestion des Questions Environmentales (STP/CIGQE) Address:BP 2357,BamakoMali   Monsieur Boubacar Sidiki Dembele
Phone: (223) 223 1074
Fax: (223) 223 5867


National Clean Development Mechanism Office, Ministry of Environment
Address:5th Floor, Ken Lee Tower,Ministry of Environment,Barracks St., Port Louis,Mauritius  
Mr. Poorundeo Ramgolam , Divisional Environment Officer
Phone: (230) 210-0806
Fax: (212) 212-6671


Autoridad nacional Competente
Blvd. Adolfo Ruiz Cortrines 4209, 4o piso
Fracc. Jardines en la Montana
Del. Tlalpan
C.P. 14210
México, D.F.
M. en C. Miguel Angel Cervantes Sánchez ( miquel.cervantes@semarnat.gob.mx ) , Coordinador del Comité Mexicano para Proyectos de Reducción de Emisiones y captura de Gases de Efect
Phone: (52-55) 5490 0987 (52-55) 5490 2100 Ext. 12056
Fax: (52-55) 5628 0794


Ministry for Nature and Environment
Government Building #3
Baga Toiruu-44
Ulaanbaatar 11
Mr. Banzragch BAYASGALAN and Mr. Battulga PUREVDORJ ( olonlog@mongol.net,mne@mongol.net,Purevdorj_b@yahoo.com )
Chairperson of DNA and Secretary of DNA
Phone: Tel: (976 11) 322 830/ (976 11 )312 269
Fax: (976 11) 321 401/ (976 11 )321 401
Other infos:
Minimum values for forest (A/R projects) - not available


Secrétariat d′Etat chargé de l′Environnement, Autorité Nationale Désignée MDP-Maroc, Secrétariat permanent Address:(Unité Changements Climatiques)36, Avenue Al Abtal, Agda-Rabat   ucc@mtds.com
Phone: (212)37 77 47 88
Fax: (212)37 77 47 88


Ministry of Population and Environment  Dr. Jibgar Joshi, 242138 Mr. Purusshottam Kunwar , Joint Secretary, Under Secretary
Phone: (977-1) 545368
Fax: (977-1)


Oficina Nacional de Desarrollo Limpio y Cambio Climatico, Ministerio del Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Address:Apartado Postal 5123 ManaguaNicaragua marinas@ibw.com.ni,mjtorres@ibw.com.ni
Phone: (505)233-1868
Fax: (505)263-2596


Cabinet du Premier Ministre
B.P. 10193, Niamey
Mr. Hassane Saley ( biocnedd@intnet.ne ) , Secrétaire Exécutif du Conseil National de l′Environnement pour un Developpement Durable
Phone: (227)72-2559
Fax: (227)72-2981/73-5859


Ministry of Environment Address:CDA Block-IV, Melody Civic CenterG-6, Islamabad   Mr. Jawed Ali Khan , Director General (Environment)
Phone: (92-51) 920 2574
Fax: (92-51) 920 2211


Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente
Address:Apartado C 0643,Balboa-Ancon,Panama,Republica de Panama  Mr. Ricardo Anguizola (Political level),
Mr. Gonzalo Menéndez (Operational level) , Administer General, Sub-Administer General
Phone: (507)315-1117, (507)315-0663
Fax: (507)315-0663, (507)315-0654


Consejo Nacional del Ambiente (CONAM) Address:Avenida San Borja Norte 226San Bonja,Lima o Peru  Ms. Patricia Iturregui
Phone: (51-1) 225-5370
Fax: (51-1) 225-5369


Secrearia del Ambiente
Av. Madame Lycnhy 3.500 casi Primer Presidente, Asuncion,

Ing. Agr. Alfredo Molinas (Political Level), Lic. Diana Gauto (Operational Level) ( ministro@seam.gov.py, gabinete@seam.gov.py,dgauto@seam.gov.py,dgauto@telesurf.com.py )

Phone: (595-21) 615 803/4 int. 269
Fax: (595-21) 615 807/615 814
Other infos:
Minimum values for forest (A/R projects) - not available


Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
Visayas Avenue
Diliman, Quezon City

 ( osec@denr.gov.ph, usecppo@denr.gov.ph )

Phone: (632-928) 4969, 926 6516
Fax: (632-926) 8094
Other infos:
Minimum values for forest (A/R projects) - not available

Republic of
The CDM Review Committee, Office of the Prime Minister
Government Complex Building #1015
77-6 Sejong-ro, Jongro-gu
( kimkyuh@opc.go.kr )
Phone: (82-2) 3703 3877
Fax: (82-2) 732 7158
Environment Cooperation Devision, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Government Complex Building Annex
95-1 Doryum-dong, Jongro-gu
( environment@mofat.go.kr )
Phone: (82-2) 2100 7743
Fax: (82-2) 2100 7991
Republic of
The Ministry of Ecoology, Constructions and Territorial Development
Phone: tbc
Fax: tbc
Saint Lucia Ministry of Physical Development, Environment and Housing
Address:Greaham Lousy, Adminisrative Building,P. O. Box 709,Waterfront, CastriesSaint Lucia, West Indies  
Mr. Martin Satney , Permanent Secretary
Phone: (758) 468-4419/4418
Fax: (758) 452-2506/4516958


Direction de l'Environment et des Etablissements Classés
106, Rue Carnot
BP 6557 Dakar Etoile

 ( denv@sentoo.sn )

Phone: (221) 822 07 25
Fax: (221) 822 62 12
Other infos:
Minimum values for forest (A/R projects) - not available

Serbia and

Ministry of Environment of Serbia
Address:dr. Ivana Ribara 91, Novi Beograd  
Ms. Branka Andric , Head of Department for International Cooperation
Phone: (381-11) 3611 6368
Fax: (381-11)158 793
Slovenia Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs Address:P.O. Box 3773,Damascus, Syria   Mr. Khaled Klaly , Director, Climate Change Dept.
Phone: (963-11)331-0381
Fax: (963-11)331-4393
South Africa Department of Minerals and Energy
Private Bag X 59,
Pretoria 0001
Advocate Sandile Nogxina ( Lwazikazi.Tyani@dme.gov.za )
Director General: Department of Minerals and Energy
Phone: (27-12) 317 8134/ (27-12) 317 8227
Fax: (27-12) 320 5807/ (27-12) 322 8570
Other infos:
Minimum values for forest (A/R projects) - not available

Sri Lanka

Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
Address:- "Sampathpaya", No.82, Rajamalwatta Road,Battaramulla, Sri Lanka- "Parisara Piyasa", No. 104,Robert Gunawardana Mawatha,Battaramulla, Sri Lanka 
Mr. Thosapala Hewage, Mr. B.M.S. Batagoda , Secretary, Director - Environmental Economics and Global Affairs Division, Ministry of Environment a
Phone: (94-1) 28 77 290, (94-1) 28 87 456/(94-74) 410 236Fax: (94-1) 28 77 292, (94-74) 410 236
Syrian Arab
Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs Address:P. O. Box 3772,Damascus,Syria   Mr. Khaled Klaly , Director, Climate Change Dept.
Phone: (963-11)331-0381
Fax: (963-11)331-4393
Thailand Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
92 Soi Phahon Yothin 7
Phahon Yothin Road,
Bangkok 10400
Dr. Asdaporn Krairapanond ( asdaporn@hotmail.com )
Phone: (662) 278 8622
Fax: (662) 278 8621
Trinidad and
Ministry of Public Utilities and the Environment
Address:16-18 Sackville streetPort of SpainTrinidad and Tobago
Mr. Anthony Bartholomew , Permanent Secretary
Phone: (1-868) 623-7544
Fax: (1-868) 623-2477


Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable./Direction Générale de l'Environnement et de la Qualité de la Vie
Centre Urbain Nord - Immeuble ICF
1080 Tunis

Le Directeur Général de l'Environnement et de la Qualité de la Vie/Le Point Focal Nat. de la CCNUCC ( DGEQV@mineat.gov.tn )

Phone: (216-71) 702 779
Fax: (216-71) 706 395
Other infos:
Minimum values for forest (A/R projects) - not available

United Republic of Tanzania Division of Environment, Vice-President's Office
P.O.Box 5380,
IBS Building
Dar Es Salaam
United Republic of Tanzania
Mr. Richard S. MUYUNGI ( tanzania37@hotmail.com )
Assistant Director
Phone: (255-222)11-3983
Fax: (255-222)11-3856/211 3082
Other infos:
Minimum values for forest (A/R projects) - not available


Unidad de Cambio Climático (UCC) Address:Rincón 422, Piso 3,Montevideo, Uruguay   Mr. Luis Santos
Phone: 598- 2) 917 0710 Ext. 4306
Fax: (598-2) 917 0710 Ext. 4321

Viet Nam

International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Address:57 Nguyen Du,HanoiVietnam  
Dr. Tran Duc Hai
Phone: (84-4)773 42 63/822 89 74
Fax: (84-4)835 21 91/826 38 47


Environment Protection Authority (EPA)   Dr. Mohamed Said El-Mashjary , Chairman, EPA
Phone: (967-1)207 817/203 583
Fax: (967-1)207 327/203 583


Ministry of Tourism, Department of Environment and Natural Resources Management
Address:Kwacha House,P. O. Box 34011Lusaka, Zambia
 Mr. Kenneth Nkowani , Acting Director Environment and Natural Resources Managment Department
Phone: (260-01) 229417
Fax: (260-01) 229417


Ministry of Environment & Tourism
Address:14th Floor Karigamombe Centre,53 Samora Machel Avenue,Private Bag 7753,Causeway,Harare  
Ms. Margaret Sangarwe , Permanent Secretary
Phone: (263-4) 75 78 74/75 788 81-5
Fax: (263-4) 77 32 76


